• ES - Specials 1
  • ES - Specials 2


While the majority of the curriculum is taught by class teachers, children have the opportunity to work with specialists in Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education (PE), Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and a Second Language, Spanish.  These subjects are guided by the same principles as the core subjects in that there are specific learning goals which also include knowledge, skills and understanding.  Some examples are:

  • Art – “Is able to choose materials and techniques which are appropriate for their task”

  • Music – “Understands that musical elements can be used to create different effects”

  • Drama – “Is able to make simple dramatic presentation to others”

  • PE – “Is able to perform simple activities with control and coordination”

  • PSHE – Knows the importance of exercise and healthy eating”

  • Spanish - “Is able to use correct intonation when speaking”