• Library 3
  • Library 1

Student Online Sources

Verdala Library

The VIS Library contains thousands of books, suitable for all grades (K to 12), and covers a variety of subjects and includes an ever-growing fiction section. Titles in the collection can be searched for in the catalog and do not require a username and password.

Click HERE to access the Verdala Library Catalog system.


The Encyclopedia Britannica subscription is suitable for all grades (K to 12), and offers up-to-date, curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools and recommended Web sites. Three user-friendly learning entry points that reflect the school’s three sections - Elementary, Middle and High School - provide a wealth of unique content to explore. The search can be accessed by all students and parents with a provided password. Please contact the librarian, Ms Veronica Calleja, for further details.

Click HERE to acess the Britannica School website.

Britannica Pathways: Science

This subscription caters for Grades 6 to 10 Science students. It is an online, inquiry-based exploration of different areas in science and helps students become better researchers. Through interactive lessons tied to their curriculum standards, students will make predictions and investigate evidence to reach conclusions about various topics.

Click HERE to acess Britannica Pathways: Science.


The ProQuest subscription offers Grade 11 and 12 students access to scholarly journals and other publications that support the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBPD). These subscription-based research tools play a crucial role in assisting students complete the IBPD, whilst preparing them for further studies. The database can be accessed by students with a username and password. Please contact the librarian, Ms Veronica Calleja, for further details.

Click HERE to access the ProQuest website.

Booklist Online

Would you like to read books reviews and make suggestions for future library purchases? Would you like to find out more about Book Awards and expand your selection of titles?
Booklist is a book-review magazine that has been published by the American Library Association for more than 100 years, and is widely viewed as offering the most reliable reviews to help libraries decide what to buy and to help students decide what to read, view, or listen to. It contains more than 170,000 reviews and thousands of features dating back to 1992 and 8,000 new reviews and related features every year. Much of that content dynamically linked—review to review, review to feature, and feature to feature.

Click HERE access Booklist.