• About Us - Facilities
  • About Us - Facilities 1

Our Campus

Unique among educational institutions, Verdala International School is housed in a fort built by the British in the 1880s. The school also has two former barrack blocks that housed British soldiers until Malta became independent in 1964. The campus is leased from the government of Malta until the year 2072.

The facilities at Verdala International School consist of

Facilities Roadmap

As a forward-thinking organization we are committed to a financial plan that can support the development and maintenance of our facilities. The old buildings do not reflect antiquated teaching, on the contrary we look to modern and current pedagogy to drive our practice and teaching environment. Our recently refurbished Elementary school reflects this, as you walk in you forget the classical façade and absorb the collaborative learning environment. Recently we also renovated our High School changing rooms, upgraded our Middle School music room and resurfaced the basketball court.

The next stages in the road map* are:

Phase 1 – New block on ES/MS campus to incorporate additional PK1 class, admin area and performance studio. This addition will also create space for a Learning Support Center.

Phase 2 – STEAM block behind MS to offer upgraded classrooms for new Science labs and Art/Design rooms.

Phase 3 – MS building refurbishment

  * subject to time, planning & financial stability