• ES - IPC


The IPC sets very specific learning goals for each of the subjects covered in the Elementary School. To reach these goals, the Language Arts and Mathematics programmes use both American and British resources.  Science, Geography and History are taught through theme-based units to help children see the connections between these subjects.  All the IPC learning goals include the development of knowledge, skills and understanding. Some examples of learning goals are:

  • Language Arts – “Be able to write in support of an opinion or argument”

  • Mathematics – “Know the names and properties of a range of two and three- dimensional shapes”

  • Science – “Is able to distinguish between solids, liquids and gases”

  • Geography – “Is able to make simple maps and plans of familiar locations”

  • History – “Understands that the past can be considered in terms of different time periods”

For more detailed information about the IPC please visit: http://www.internationalprimarycurriculum.com