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IPYC - VIS Elementary Earth Club

Our Purpose

The Earth Club at Verdala International Elementary School hopes to educate and create lasting change that will positively help Verdala, its community, and Malta protect the earth for future generations.

This VIS Elementary Earth Club began in 2017 because students and teachers alike wanted to teach others about the environment and help make Verdala Elementary more conscious of the school’s environmental impact. Grade 4 and 5 students at VIS applied with a project idea to help Verdala Elementary become sustainable and environmentally conscious. We had about 20 applicants, all with amazing ideas and projects for our Earth Club and from there the VIS Earth Club was born. We meet one morning a week before school and the club is completely student led with a few teachers support.

2017-2018 Earth Club Goals

  • Fundraise for a VIS Elementary Earth Club garden
  • Plan, design, and build the garden
  • Lead a beach clean-up in Malta for VIS elementary students and families

This year so far the VIS Elementary Earth Club designed and led a fundraiser called Earth Fun Afternoon on Friday the 20th of April filled with awesome environmental awareness games and more things to do with helping our Earth. Students were able to plant basil into reused plastic bottle planters, play environmental bowling, dance the recycling limbo, go mining for chocolate chip cookies, enter a competition to draw the best Earth Club logo, and a few other amazing activities. The entire day was an idea from one of our students and the students planned and led all of the activities themselves. It was a huge success and we hope to do it every year. We are now ready to plan, design and build our garden.

Other Future Ideas

  • Recycling bins for all classrooms
  • Organic waste bins in all classrooms with a compost program in the garden
  • Trash clean-ups all over Malta
  • Write to politicians, officials, and important people about environmental issues that we want changed in Malta
  • Reduce the amount of single-use plastic in our school
  • Teach others how to reduce, reuse and recycle in their everyday life in Malta
  • Fund raise and help the school look into rainwater catchment, solar panels, or windmills for electricity
  • Help beautify the school with new planters