• SaV
  • sav2
  • Sav3



  • IMYC students at VIS will be able to make meaning of their learning by connecting conceptual units to service and experiential learning.
  • IMYC students at VIS will be able to collaborate with their peers and create their own learning experiences.
  • IMYC students at VIS will be able to develop international mindedness by engaging with new communities outside of their own. 
  • IMYC students at VIS will be able to acquire new in-depth and transformational knowledge, skills and understanding.

Learning Goals

As a result of ‘meaningful and purposeful’ participation in their particular VISERVES Project, IMYC students at VIS will develop the important skills, attributes, and understandings necessary to achieve the relevant personal and international learning goals.


In order to assess student engagement and level of achievement in all assigned learning goals, all IMYC students at VIS are expected to consistently reflect on their experiences in their IMYC blogs.


Each grade is engaged with a whole-class service project. This involves three off-campus experiences and three on-campus, ranging from funrdraising to awareness campaigns.