Middle School Programme (Age 11 – 14)

The curriculum in the Middle School builds on the skills and knowledge developed in the Elementary Section. Grade 6 to Grade 8 teachers follow the targets set out by the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) which follows the Elementary Primary Curriculum (IPC).  The IMYC focuses on a combination of academic, personal and international learning designed specifically to engage and inspire students.  The IMYC provides the opportunity for students to enjoy being challenged in their learning of a wide range of subjects. It helps them to develop an enquiring mind, the personal attributes that will support them throughout their later teenage and adult years, and a sense of their own nationality and culture, at the same time developing a profound respect for the nationalities and cultures of others. Through the IMYC approach to learning, students develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to confidently face the world of the future.

To reach these goals, the Language Arts and Mathematics programmes use both American and British resources.  All other subjects, including Science and Social Studies, are taught through theme-based units.

Examples of theme-based units are:

  • Balance

  • Communication

  • Entrepreneurship

The targets in each IMYC unit focuses on the skills children need to be successful students.  Examples of these targets are:

  • Be able to enquire into historical questions and their effects on people’s lives. (History)

  • Know about taxonomy: the classification of living things. (Science)

  • Be able to determine the theme of a text and its relationship to plot, setting and characters. (English)

For more detailed information about the IMYC please visit: http://www.greatlearning.com/imyc

The curriculum is entirely taught by specific subject specialist teachers. The Middle School builds on the Elementary experience where children have the opportunity to work with specialists in Art, Music, Drama, PE, PSHE and an Additional Language, [Spanish, French, Italian and Maltese].