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VIS Update Part 2

19 February 2015

Dear VIS Community,

In keeping with my pledge to update you on our VIS strategic progress through short but frequent communications, I am writing to highlight our strategic goal to analyze the school day structure to best support student learning. 

Over the past 18 months, we have split the following classes to provide two classes of students at every grade level:  kindergarten and grades 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8.  All of our classes K-8 are now split. 

Creating the additional classrooms required creative use of facilities spaces, hiring the classroom teachers, and outfitting the rooms with furniture and educational materials.  Our specials teachers (art, music, drama, IT and languages) have traditionally been assigned in both the ES and MS, and one case,  the HS.  Sharing specials teachers across the ES and MS /HS creates quite a challenge when we design our master schedules and requires teachers to accommodate students across a vast range of developmental needs and curricula. 

A goal for our leadership team has been to “decouple” the specials teachers at the ES from the MS and HS.  So next year, with all classes split, all specials teachers will teach only at the ES or MS/HS.  This will allow the ES and MS/HS to create unique schedules which are age appropriate and best serve the students and teachers. 

This logistical change is significant and we move forward in creating a high quality and aligned curriculum and learning experience. 

Thank you for your support!         

Mr Crawford