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ISTA Annual Festival by Daphne Said

Our school is a member of ISTA (International Schools Theatre Association) and for the third year running, our students have been given the opportunity to participate in an ISTA festival. This has always been an enriching experience for them -- one they keep talking about with great excitement.

Last June, we informed you about an opportunity for drama students to participate in an ISTA festival in ROME from April 14th to 16th. There are only 5 places available for us for the ROME festival and so far we have 7 students interested. In order not to disappoint anyone, we have the possibility to participate in another festival; however, we need to take at least 5 students to be able to participate.

April 7th to 9th in GLASGOW

We cannot as yet give you the exact details of travel dates and cost for this festival; however, from previous experience and initial calculations, the cost for a student to participate in this festival should be around €650 – €750. This would include travel, food, ISTA registration fee, and other costs. Travel dates should be a day or two before and after the start of the festival. The students will live at host families and two adults from VIS will travel with them.

If you would like your son/daughter to participate in this festival, please send in a deposit of €300 (preferably a check/cheque payable to Verdala International School) and indicate whether your son/daughter needs travel insurance or not. The payment must reach us by Monday October 5th, 2015. Please hand in all payments to Christine in Accounts.

If you have any queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with me at saidd@verdala.org.