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IB Scores 2014

Verdala International School
IB Diploma Programme Results
for the Class of 2014

We congratulate the Class of 2014 as well as the IB faculty on some excellent results in the IB examinations.

Three students out of 24 diploma students (12.5%) achieved 40+ points. They achieved 41, 43 and 44 points. The maximum number of points that can be achieved in an IB diploma is 45. The percentage of students who achieve 40+ worldwide is approximately 6%, so these are very commendable results.

Verdala’s average total score of 34 is well above the global point average of 29. The percentage of grades in the 4-7 range was 86% compared with a worldwide percentage of 79%. Seven of our students (29%) received a bilingual diploma.

Numbers alone do not tell the whole story, of course. It is important to remember also that the IB Diploma Programme at Verdala is non-selective. We are especially proud of those students who may not have achieved as highly as others but who worked to the best of their ability and achieved the best diploma they could by working hard and steadily throughout the two-year programme.

Also, a large thank you goes out to the parents, teachers and non-teaching staff who together supported our students during the two-year IB Diploma Programme.