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Back to School BBQ Thank You from Boosters Secretary Sean Holt

Firstly many thanks to all who made the BBQ such a success.

Thanks to all the volunteers who worked long and hard for no reward other than the feeling of satisfaction of a hard job done well. Thanks too to all who brought the delicious salads and sweets we all so much enjoyed.

There were a number of utensils and containers left on the salad and sweets table at the end of the evening. If there are names on them I will return them through Class teachers. Other items may be collected from the High School Stationary store between 8-35 and 8-45 daily this week.

Over 650 people attended the BBQ which raised Euro 3,400 for Booster funds. This was a 22% increase on last year. All this money will be spent on projects to improve the school. (The Bouncy Castle operator donated 20% of his profit to Boosters.)