Maltese language

Image of Alphabet


Meaning: Good morning

Usage: Greet someone in the morning.

Kif int?

Meaning: How are you?

Usage: Common greeting, ask someone how they are.


Meaning: Thank you

Usage: Express gratitude.

Jien napprezzani ħafna

Meaning: I appreciate it a lot

Usage: Express deeper gratitude.


Meaning: Excuse me

Usage: Use when trying to get someone's attention or to apologize.

Fejn hu l-banju?

Meaning: Where is the bathroom?

Usage: Ask for directions to the restroom.


Meaning: What is your name?

Usage: Ask someone for their name.

Għandek xi numru tal-mowbajl?

Meaning: Do you have a phone number?

Usage: Ask for someone's phone number.

X'għandek fil-menu?

Meaning: What do you have on the menu?

Usage: Inquire about food options at a restaurant.

Jien ma nafx

Meaning: I don't know

Usage: Admit lack of knowledge about something.

Għandni bżonn għajnuna

Meaning: I need help

Usage: Request assistance.

Skuzani, nista' nitkellem bl-Ingliz

Meaning: Excuse me, I can speak English

Usage: Seek help or information in English.

Xi jista' jkun il-prezz?

Meaning: What could the price be?

Usage: Inquire about the cost of something.


Meaning: Yes

Usage: Simple affirmation.


Meaning: No

Usage: Simple negation.

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