Czech culture

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Czech Food

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Czech cuisine is characterized by hearty dishes such as dumplings, goulash, and svíčková na smetaně. Dumplings, either bread or potato-based, are a staple, often accompanying meat dishes. Goulash, a robust stew of beef, onions, and spices, is a popular choice, and svíčková na smetaně features marinated sirloin steak with a creamy sauce. Trdelník, a sweet pastry, and smažený sýr, deep-fried cheese, add a delightful touch.

Czech History

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In Czech history, the region has seen early human settlements, the Great Moravian Empire, and the Kingdom of Bohemia. The Hussite Wars and Habsburg rule followed, shaping the nation's destiny. Czechoslovakia emerged after World War I, enduring Nazi occupation and communist rule until the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The rich culinary and historical tapestry of the Czech Republic reflects a resilient journey through diverse influences and periods.

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