Special Russian Words

Proverbs are concise, universal expressions of human experience that offer guidance, humor, and a glimpse into the heart of a language and its people. Join us in discovering the essence of Russian culture, one proverb at a time.

Russian Proverbs

Examples of Russian proverbs and their meaning. What do you think about them?

"Волко́в боя́ться — в лес не ходи́ть."

Meaning: "If you’re scared of wolves, don’t go in the woods."

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"Даю́т — бери́, а бьют – беги́."

Meaning: ": If you’re given something, take it, but if you’re being beaten – run."

This is a humorous way of telling someone to grab an opportunity, unless it is particularly dangerous.

"Голь на вы́думку хитра́"

Meaning: "Poverty inspires invention."

Necessity is the mother of invention.

"Без труда́ не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из пруда́."

Meaning: "Without hard work, one wouldn’t even get a fish out of a pond"

No pain, no gain.

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