The transition of Chinese language

The transition of the Chinese language is a captivating journey through time. Over millennia, it has evolved from ancient scripts like Oracle Bone Script and Seal Script to the modern Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters used today. This transformation reflects China's historical, cultural, and political shifts, with periods of standardization and reform. The simplification of characters in the mid-20th century, for instance, aimed to increase literacy rates, making it easier for people to learn to read and write. Yet, despite these changes, Chinese remains a complex and nuanced language, bridging the gap between tradition and innovation, and serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of one of the world's oldest written languages.

Those are different types of Chinese characters throughout the transition.

  1. oracle
  2. clementi
  3. seal character
  4. clerical
  5. cursive script
  6. regular script
  7. running scipt
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